Management Philosophy・Management Vision・Management Policy

Management Philosophy


Management Vision

Developing and maintaining trust with customers and employees, we strive to raise awareness and technology to respond to every customers’ needs, contribute to society,and increase employee happiness.

Management Policy

  1. To meet our customers’ requests, we propel technological development with our Can-do attitude.
  2. Every employee thinks and acts by oneself to achieve leaner and meaner corporate structure.
  3. We positively and independently work on environmental activities to contribute to the earth’s environment.
  4. Promotion of systematic personnel training and Diversity in human resources
    (Promotion of women’s participation and advancement in the workplace, and promotion of employment of persons with disabilities and the elderly.)


Improvement of Quality Assurance System and Further Promotion of New Technology Development to respond to higher quality requirements


Thorough Elimination of Wastes through improvement activities participated by all employees.

Delivery period

Reducing Lead-time to increase productivity by making the best use of our integrated production system


Improvement of the Working Environment, and Improvement of Morale and Motivation of Employees through “5S Activities”.


Ensuring Daily Equipment Inspection and Securing safety by Preventive Maintenance Activities


Promoting continuous and positive Environment Preservation Activities, ensuring consistency with the 17 goals of The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Human Training

・Promotion of Multi Skill Development
・Promotion of Systematic Personnel Training and Diversity in human resources
