Total Quality Management Activities

Approaches to “Eco Stage” Certification & “Total Quality Management Activities”

 April, 2001  Certified as Ricoh Group’s Green Procurement Partner & Environmental Management System Partner

 December, 2006 Certified as Tamron Eco Partner

 March, 2007  Eco Stage Level 1 certified.

 May, 2008  Eco Stage Level 2 certified. (Authentication No.EST-197)

 June, 2014  Eco Stage Level 3 certified. (Authentication No.EST-197)

 February, 2018  Gave a lecture on our environmental management as a successful case at the Seminar held by Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers

 November, 2020  We received TQM Achievement Recognition Award 2020 from The Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers.

 February, 2023 ”TQM Seminar Introductory Course” TQM practice case presentation was held at the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers Building

Total Quality Management Activities

 Since we started TQM activities in 2014, we have been developing TQM activities in which every employee participates, aiming to move up to Eco Stage 3. In 2019, we renewed our management vision and policies. Since then we have been working to improve them by conducting customer and employee satisfaction surveys to further strengthen the trust relationship between our customers and employees.

Features of Our TQM Activities

 Focusing on Quality, Cost, Delivery, Morality, Safety, Environment, and Human Resource Development required for “Monozukuri Company”, we are always raising the awareness of our employees so that they can work with sense of mission and promoting activities reflecting the characteristics of respective following items.


The characteristics of our Eco-stage activities:


Improvement of Quality Assurance System and Promotion of New Technology Development to respond to higher quality requirements

Through implementation of measures to prevent recurrence of defective products by accumulation of defect data for each process and monthly quality meetings.

10% reduction in defects which is the most common in respective departments

Improvement of quality by revising manuals and making a video showing quality standards for each operation


Eliminating waste and raising cost consciousness among employees by improvement activities participated by all employees.

Reduction of unnecessary costs by reviewing direct and indirect expenses

Overall inventory reduction

Delivery period

Management of On-time delivery rate and Quality of Business partners

Reduction of Lead-time by production meetings


Enhancement of all employees’ environmental awareness through “My Declaration”

Improvement of morale such as greetings, a spirit of service, and workplace beautification through “5S Activities”.

※5S Activities: Workplace cleaning, Factory floor point strategy, patrol, toilet cleaning, no smoking, greeting campaign, etc.


Respective workers perform preventive maintenance activities through maintaining equipment by themselves.

Ensuring continuous proper workplace environment and Zero Accident by implementing factory patrols.


Reduction of electricity costs through demand monitoring device and keeping them low.

Achieving and maintaining zero emissions by utilizing waste plastic recycling

Human Training

・Promotion of education for Multi-skilled workers

・Establishment of a system for in-house instructors
